The 5 Biggest Mistakes When Trying to Fix Your Posture (#3 Will Raise Your Eyebrows)

We live in a world where our posture is constantly compromised by screens, social media, and sedentary habits. If you've tried to fix your posture but still find yourself slouching, you're not alone. Here are the top 5 mistakes to avoid when trying to improve your posture:

Mistake #1: Expecting Instant Results

Postural change doesn't happen overnight. Just like you can't get fit from one workout, fixing your posture requires consistent effort. It can take months, even years, to retrain your body into a healthy, lengthened spine position. Be patient with yourself and commit to regular practice—your body will thank you!

Mistake #2: Taking One Long Break Instead of Multiple Micro Breaks

Taking one long break won't undo hours of sitting. Instead, aim for micro breaks—2 to 5 minutes every hour. Studies show shorter, frequent breaks are more effective in helping your brain and body adjust to new habits. A simple 20:1 ratio (20 minutes of work, 1 minute of movement) can make a big difference.

Mistake #3: Overcorrecting Your Posture

We've all heard “shoulders back and down!” but overcorrecting can lead to new problems. Instead of forcing your body into uncomfortable positions, focus on lengthening upwards through the crown of your head. This single cue helps align the entire spine without overthinking it.

Mistake #4: Not Being Aware of Your Environment

If you're unaware of how your environment affects your posture, you’re missing a big piece of the puzzle. Optimizing your workspace can help maintain a better spinal position. For deeper insights, check out "Deskbound" by Kelly Starrett—a great resource for creating a spine-friendly environment.

Mistake #5: Thinking More Workouts Will Fix Your Posture

High-intensity workouts alone won’t fix your posture and can sometimes make things worse if you're not allowing proper recovery. Focus on balance: incorporate mobility and posture work to complement your training routine.

Start by avoiding these five common mistakes, and you'll be on your way to a healthier, happier, and more mobile spine!


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